
Human Resource Development

Policy and Basic Concept

˶ has continued efforts to push the growth of our employees, who are the nexus for realizing hhc. The success of our employees in turn, has led to the growth of our business. Amidst rapid environment changes and an uncertain future outlook, we are actively seeking to deepen our current business while exploring and creating new ventures that go beyond our existing framework. To achieve this, we encourage our employees to take control of their own careers, stimulate their willingness to take on challenges, and provide a supportive system to help them achieve self-fulfillment.

Targets, Issues and Actions

To nurture talented individuals who can grow by building their careers autonomously, and taking on challenges, we are working on establishing a diverse training system. This system provides opportunities for employees to revisit their own careers to clarify their future goals and acquire and apply the necessary skills and experiences aligned with their individual visions for the future. To shift towards a training system that offers opportunities for individualized learning and challenges, based on personal preferences and specific needs, we have been implementing various initiatives under the name of “Learning Reform.” These efforts aim to foster employees’ autonomous growth and provide a platform for them to choose and pursue their own learning styles.

Structures and Systems

˶ has a number of programs that support proactive career development and cross-divisional interactions within and outside the company, enabling employees to expand the field of vision, enhance their expertise, and develop their careers on their own by utilizing a variety of programs in addition to their daily work.

Development Process (Japan)

A system that supports the diverse career development and the programs that encourage self-development of employee


Case Studies in Japan

■ Compulsory Program

Training for new employees (including on-boarding, one-on-one mentorship, and follow-up training)
Training for newly appointed management position
Training for new organization head, etc.

  • *
    Level-specific programs include socialization with patients and their families or an online session for knowledge exchange.

Photographs at the socialization/knowledge exchange session of level-specific programs at each level

Training for new organization head (socialization at a facility for the elderly)
Training for newly appointed for management position (Knowledge exchange with people with dementia working at the Naito Museum of Pharmaceutical Science and Industry)

■ Providing Opportunity for Learning/Challenges

Learning Style Reform Program (For all employees)
This is a selective training program to create opportunities for every employee to challenge and learn on their own initiatives and responsibilities. (Approximately 140 types of training content)
We are implementing this program with the aim of having employees learn from each other with people outside the company, and to fostering human talents with new values, added values, and diversity. (Total participations: around 240 employees in FY2023)

EKKYO (Internal Internship) Program
This is an internal internship program that allows employees to learn about jobs outside their own organization, without a personnel transfer.
The program is designed not only to provide employees with information on various organizations, but also to give them an opportunity to think about work processes, the significance of their work, and what they want to be in the future by placing themselves in an environment that is different from their usual work place. (Participation: 82 employees in from 11 organizations FY2023)

E-Win Program(For female employees)
This is our original action-learning program that incorporates sessions by multiple female business leaders from both inside and outside ˶ with the aim of developing independence, initiative, and leadership for realization of a unique career to employees themselves (Total participants: approximately 30 employees in FY2023).We also focus on ongoing follow-up and networking for our approximately 200 graduates.

Udemy Business(For all employees)
This is a program in which employees independently veiw and learn from a wide range of video content (approximately 9,500 types of content). The aim is that employees think what type of knowledge and idea are necessary for their work and careers, by themselves, and acquire the necessary knowledge in a timely manner, towards their growth. (Total participants: approximately 1570 employees in FY2023)


Training Results for fiscal 2023

ScopeTraining Expenses Per Person*1  (unit: thousand yen)
˶ Co., Ltd. 183
China 19
  • *1
    Expenses related to trainings provided by the human resources are aggregated.
  • *2
    North America
  • *3
    Europe, Middle East, Africa, Russia, Oceania
  • *4
    Average of available data from all group companies (coverage of global employees: 99%)