

Environmental Protection Initiatives and Results

Fiscal 2023 Environmental Protection Initiatives and Results of the ˶ Group

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Category Fiscal 2023 Initiatives (Targets) Boundary Fiscal 2023 Results
Enhancement of environmental management
  • Enhancement and smooth operation of management systems
  • Proper application of the PDCA cycle
  • ISO14001 regular and recertification inspection (Kawashima Plant, Kashima Plant, EA Pharma Co., Ltd. Fukushima Plant, ˶ China Inc. Suzhou Plant and ˶ Pharmaceuticals India Pvt. Ltd.,Vizag Plant)
  • Planning and implementation of environmental education
  • Implementation of environmental communication
  • Internal: training for new employees, training for new transferees, training for all employees; External: various seminars, etc.
  • Disclosure of environmental information on the corporate website
  • Kawashima Plant: Local community meetings (December 2023)
  • Kashima Plant: Meeting with local representatives and government officials as a member of the industrial park (June 2023)
  • EA Pharma Co., Ltd. Fukushima Plant: Information exchange meeting with local residents (March 2024)
Energy conservation and preventing global warming
  • Obtaining SBT 1.5℃ target certification
  • 55% CO2 emissions reduction (Scope 1 + 2) by fiscal 2030 (compared to fiscal 2019)
  • 27.5% CO2 emissions reduction (Scope 3, Category 1) by fiscal 2030 (compared to fiscal 2019)
  • Achieving 100% renewable energy-derived electricity adoption rate
  • Obtained certification from SBTi in November 2023.
  • CO2 emissions (Scope 1 + 2): 51,259t (50.0% reduction compared to fiscal 2019)
  • CO2 emissions (Scope 3, Category 1): 563,928t (2.9% increase compared to fiscal 2019)
  • Renewable energy adoption rate: 99.8% (limited to electricity purchased from external sources)
    • *
      Purchased 53,219 MWh of non-fossil fuel certificates (derived from biomass and hydroelectric power generation).
  • Promotion of the replacement of company vehicles with hybrid vehicles
˶ Co., Ltd.
  • Adoption rate for company vehicles (12-month average): 92.8% (1.7% increase from fiscal 2022)
  • Adoption rate for company-owned vehicles (12-month average): 95.1% (0.7% increase from fiscal 2022)
  • Adoption rate for employee-owned vehicles (12-month average): 80.3% (2.0% increase from fiscal 2022)
  • Operation of Internal Carbon Pricing
  • Maintained price at 11,000 yen / t-CO2 and utilized.
  • Proper management of fluorocarbons
  • Conducted statutory inspections in compliance with the Act on the Rational Use and Proper Management of Fluorocarbons, and systematically switched to alternative chrolofluorocarbons.
  • The calculated total fluorocarbons leaked was less than 1,000 t-CO2, and no requirement to report it.
Waste reduction
  • Reduction of waste generated
  • Increasing the volume of recycling
  • Reduction of waste sent to landfill
  • Reduction of hazardous waste generated
  • Amount of waste generated: 5,836t (717t increase from fiscal 2022)
  • Recycled amount: 1,195t (195t decrease from fiscal 2022)
  • Recycled amount including valuables: 3,601t (290t decrease from fiscal 2022)
  • Recycling rate: 20.5% (6.7% decrease from fiscal 2022)
  • Recycling rate including valuables: 43.7% (7.4% decrease from fiscal 2022)
  • Final landfill volume: 155t (16t increase from fiscal 2022)
  • Final landfill rate: 2.66% (0.06% decrease from fiscal 2022)
  • Hazardous waste generated: 264t (172t decrease from fiscal 2022)
  • Attainment of zero emissions
    • Ratio of waste sent to landfill to total waste≦0.5%
  • Increasing the volume of recycling
    • 80% or greater waste plastic recycling rate (including the sale of valuables)
  • Inplementation of onsite inspections based on the Waste Management and Public Cleaning Law
  • Final landfill rate: 0.23%
  • Waste plastic recycling rate: 88.9% (1.6% decrease from fiscal 2022)
  • Conducted on-site inspections at 51 sites nationwide in accordance with the Waste Management and Public Cleaning Law and confirmed that there was no illegal dumping.
Effective use of water resources
  • Reduction of water withdrawal through efficient use of resources
  • Introduction of Internal Water Pricing
  • Water intake: 3,415,000 ㎥ (567,000 ㎥ decrease from fiscal 2022)
  • Introduced in March 2024
Management of chemical substances and preventing from pollution
  • Response to PRTR system and proper management of designated substances
  • Compliance with Air Pollution Control Act, Water Pollution Control Act and pollution control agreements
  • Proper management based on an understanding of amounts of substances subject to the PRTR system that were handled, emitted and transferred
  • Regular measurements showed that the amounts of pollutant emissions into the atmosphere and water systems were below standard values.
Biodiversity protection
  • Encouraging biodiversity protection initiatives, including the protection of rare organisms and the regional environment
  • Kawashima Plant: Maintained and managed approximately 30,000 trees, including black pine trees.
  • Naito Museum of Pharmaceutical Science and Industry: Cultivated and managed approximately 700 species of medicinal and useful plants, including 40 endangered species.
  • Kashima Plant: Management of plantations and promotion of tree planting
  • EA Pharma Co., Ltd. Fukushima Plant: Preserved the planted trees on the premises, including Somei-Yoshino and weeping cherry trees.
  • Vizag Site (India): Continued the planting program from fiscal 2020, and a total of approximately 11,000 trees have been planted so far.
  • Bogor Plant (Indonesia): Preserved nationally protected orchids.
Resource conservation
  • Promotion of awareness-raising activities and education to encourage green purchasing
  • Reduction of copy paper usage
˶ Co., Ltd.
  • Implemented awareness-raising and education activities whenever appropriate.
  • The green purchasing ratio: 31.4% (3.0% decrease from fiscal 2022)
  • Utilized electronic materials and web meetings.
  • Used 11,916,433 sheets of copy paper (0.3% decrease from fiscal 2022).
Conservation of the local environment
  • Compliance with environmental-related laws (noise, vibrations, offensive odors, soil contamination)
  • Involvement with local community
  • Zero complaints made by neighbouring residents
  • Regularly measured levels of noise, vibrations and offensive odors to confirm compliance.
  • Held regular cleanup activities of areas around each operation site and affiliated company as well as within industrial parks.
  • No complaints were reported.

Resource Input and Environmental Impact

Fiscal 2023 Resource Input and Environmental Impact Data of the ˶ Group in Japan

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Resource Input
Input Unit ˶ Co., Ltd. Group companies
in Japan
Electric power MWh 90,342 14,785 105,127
LPG tons 8 9 17
LNG tons 0 1,364 1,364
Processed natural gas 1,000㎥ 7,374 371 7,745
Kerosene kl 0 0 0
Diesel oil kl 3 1 4
Gasoline kl 694 335 1,029
Fuel oil A kl 1 0 1
Industrial steam GJ 58,525 0 58,525
Hot water GJ 0 0 0
Cold water GJ 0 0 0
Water consumption 1,000㎥ 2,883 135 3,017
Clean water 1,000㎥ 129 133 261
Industrial water 1,000㎥ 2 0 2
Groundwater 1,000㎥ 2,742 0 2,742
Desalinated water 1,000㎥ 11 0 11
Recycled water 1,000㎥ 71 0 71
Reclaimed water 1,000㎥ 0 2 2
PRTR Substances
Total amount handled (including unreported amount) t 326 53 379
Copy paper consumption 10,000sheets 1,192 416 1,608

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Environmental Impact
Output Unit ˶ Co., Ltd. Group companies
in Japan
Amount generated (tons) tons 4,338 785 5,123
Amount recycled tons 662 291 953
Amount sent to landfill tons 6 6 12
Wastewater discharge 1,000㎥ 2,314 96 2,410
BOD tons 6,245 232 6,477
Nitrogen tons 2,732 44 2,776
Phosphorous tons 61 32 92
PRTR substances (off-sie transfer as waste) tons 261 52 313
PRTR substances (release into water bodies) tons 0 0 0
Containers and Packaging Recycling
Recycling of containers and packaging materials (obligatory recycling amount) 1,901 96 1,996
Atmospheric Emissions (from operational sites)
CO2 (Scope 1, 2) tons 19,249 5,355 24,605
SOx tons 0 0 0
NOx tons 13 0 14
Soot and dust tons 1 0 1
PRTR substances tons 12 1 13
Exhaust Gas from Vehicles
CO2 emissions from commercial vehicles tons 1,578 737 2,315
CO2 emissions from business-use vehicles other than commercial vehicles tons 8 28 36

Environmantal Accounting

The environmental protection costs of our group companies in Japan, calculated with reference to the "Environmental Accounting Guidelines 2005" issued by the Ministry of the Environment, are as follows:

FY2023 Environmental Protection Costs

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Main Category Contents Investment (million yen) Cost (million yen) Economic Effects (million yen) Quantitative Effects (million yen) Comments
Cost in the business area Environmental protection costs to reduce the environmental impact caused within the business area by main business activities 53 375 15 - -
Upstream/downstream cost Environmental protection costs to reduce the environmental impact caused upstream or downstream by major business activities 0 4,513 0 - -
(green purchasing) The cost of purchasing products and goods with low environmental impact 0 1,423 0 - -
Managerial activity cost Costs of managing environmental conservation 0 228 0 - -
Cost of research and development Research and development costs for products that contribute to environmental conservation 0 0 0 - -
Social activity cost Environmental protection costs in social activities 0 0 0 - -
Cost corresponding to the environment damage Costs for restoration of soil contamination and the natural environment, etc. 0 1 0 - -
Total 53 5,118 15 - -

Breakdown of Energy Consumption

Breakdown of Energy Consumption (FY2023)

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Electric power (MWh) Gasoline (kl) Kerosene (kl) Light oil (kl) Fuel oil A (kl) LPG (tons) Natural gas (1000㎥) LNG (tons) Processed natural gas (1,000㎥) Industrial steam (GJ)
In Japan Amount used 105,127 1,029 0 4 1 17 0 1,364 7,745 58,525
Calorific value (GJ) 1,048,116 34,283 0 150 39 851 0 74,624 309,497 68,475
Ratio (%) 68 2 0 0 0 0 0 5 20 4
Outside Japan Amount used 69,206 3,205 0 2,041 99 41 6,429 0 1 0
Calorific value (GJ) 689,988 106,744 0 77,647 3,835 2,034 252,418 0 28 0
Ratio (%) 61 9 0 7 0 0 22 0 0 0
Total Amount used 174,333 4,234 0 2,045 100 58 6,429 1,364 7,746 58,525
Calorific value (GJ) 1,738,105 141,027 0 77,797 3,874 2,886 252,418 74,624 309,525 68,475
Ratio (%) 65 5 0 3 0 0 9 3 12 3

Resource Input and Environmental Impact (˶ Group in Japan)

Kawashima Plant (FY)

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2021 2022 2023
GHG emissions
CO2 emissions (Scope1+2) (tons) 22,404 10,873 10,783
Energy consumption
Purchased electricity (MWh) 35,279 41,101 42,439
Processed natural gas (1,000㎥) 5,447 5,328 5,280
Liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) (tons) 1 1 1
Waste treatment
Amount of waste generated (tons) 1,164 1,260 1,613
Recycled amount (tons) 198 154 141
Amount sent to landfill (tons) 0 0 0
Air pollutant emissions
SOx (kg) 49 105 1
NOx (kg) 3,945 8,550 11,556
Soot and dust (kg) 131 331 315
Environmental impact in wastewater
Water intake (1,000㎥)* 2,436 3,027 2,622
Wastewater discharge (1,000㎥)* 2,331 1,933 2,060
BOD (kg) 4,767 2,822 2,068
Nitrogen (kg) 3,071 2,467 2,571
Phosphorus (kg) 51 62 61
  • *
    At the Kawashima Industrial Park, groundwater was pumped up and discharged as the source of regional rivers based on a request from the local government and the relevant figures are listed. The actual amount of water used in the manufacturing process and the amount of wastewater were both 178,020㎥ (as of FY2023)

Tsukuba Research Laboratories (FY)

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2021 2022 2023
GHG emissions
CO2 emissions (Scope1+2) (tons) 4,555 4,467 4,178
Energy consumption
Purchased electricity (MWh) 25,007 25,136 26,258
Processed natural gas (1,000㎥) 2,205 2,166 2,046
Fuel oil A (kl) 20 16 0
Waste treatment
Amount of waste generated (tons) 246 256 173
Recycled amount (tons) 61 102 64
Amount sent to landfill (tons) 1 1 1
Air pollutant emissions
SOx (kg) - - -
NOx (kg) 3,536 2,685 1,875
Soot and dust (kg) 230 212 167
Environmental impact in wastewater
Water intake (1,000㎥) 203 213 188
Recycled water (1,000㎥) 83 80 71
Wastewater discharge (1,000㎥) 203 213 186
BOD (kg) 3,052 3,172 3,883
Nitrogen (kg) 0 0 0
Phosphorus (kg) 0 0 0

Kashima Plant (FY)

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2021 2022 2023
GHG emissions
CO2 emissions (Scope1+2) (tons) 8,711 3,236 2,597
Energy consumption
Purchased electricity (MWh) 16,671 16,937 18,164
Industrial steam (GJ) 62,016 56,658 58,526
Liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) (tons) 7 6 6
Waste treatment
Amount of waste generated (tons) 1,612 1,691 1,524
Recycled amount (tons) 434 364 224
Amount sent to landfill (tons) 0 0 0
Air pollutant emissions
SOx (kg) - - -
NOx (kg) - - -
Soot and dust (kg) - - -
Environmental impact in wastewater
Water intake (1,000㎥) 57 57 57
Wastewater discharge (1,000㎥) 55 51 52
BOD (kg) 1,317 765 294
Nitrogen (kg) 0 0 161
Phosphorus (kg) 0 0 0

EA Pharma Co., Ltd., Fukushima Plant (FY)

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2021 2022 2023
GHG emissions
CO2 emissions (Scope1+2) (tons) 8,153 6,670 3,827
Energy consumption
Purchased electricity (MWh) 8,536 8,935 9,843
Liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) (tons) 8 9 9
Liquefied natural gas (LNG) (tons) 1,468 1,494 1,364
Waste treatment
Amount of waste generated (tons) 340 479 545
Recycled amount (tons) 132 147 188
Amount sent to landfill (tons) 0 3 3
Air pollutant emissions
SOx (kg) - - -
NOx (kg) 542 438 337
Soot and dust (kg) 60 15 31
Environmental impact in wastewater
Water intake (1,000㎥) 72 71 68
Wastewater discharge (1,000㎥) 38 36 32
BOD (kg) 41 34 56
Nitrogen (kg) 87 84 44
Phosphorus (kg) 25 51 32

Kobe Research Institute (former KAN Research Institute Co., Ltd.) (FY)

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2021 2022 2023
GHG emissions
CO2 emissions (Scope1+2) (tons) 1,990 1,759 754
Energy consumption
Purchased electricity (MWh) 3,259 3,281 3,345
Processed natural gas (1,000㎥) 361 370 370
Waste treatment
Amount of waste generated (tons) 40 53 51
Recycled amount (tons) 7 23 18
Amount sent to landfill (tons) 1 1 1
Air pollutant emissions
SOx (kg) - - -
NOx (kg) - - -
Soot and dust (kg) - - -
Environmental impact in wastewater
Water intake (1,000㎥) 12 12 15
Wastewater discharge (1,000㎥) 12 11 12
BOD (kg) 19 32 176
Nitrogen (kg) 0 0 0
Phosphorus (kg) 0 0 0

Principal PRTR Substances Handled (FY)

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2021 2022 2023
Tsukuba Research Laboratories
Dichloromethane (tons) 0.6 0.5 0.5
Hexane (tons) 0.1 0.1 0.1
Kashima Plant
Ethylbenzene (tons) 4.1 5.1 8.2
Triethylamine (tons) 2.2 1.6 1.9
Dichloromethane (tons) 66.4 131.8 78.9
N,N-dimethylformamide (tons) 41.1 32.7 24.0
Toluene (tons) 48.1 42.4 45.6
Formaldehyde (tons) 1.3 1.5 0.0
Hexane (tons) 9.4 11.1 7.2
EA Pharma Co., Ltd., Fukushima Plant
Dichloromethane (tons) 31.9 35.0 52.8

Principal VOC Substances Handled (FY)

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2021 2022 2023
Kawashima Industrial Park
Acetonitrile (tons)* 2.3 1.3 1.7
Methanol (tons) - 1.2 0.9
Ethanol (tons) 5.7 16.0 10.3
Tsukuba Research Laboratories
Acetonitrile (tons)* 4.6 3.6 0.0
Ethyl acetate (tons) 3.0 3.0 3.0
Methanol (tons) 4.1 4.9 4.9
Heptane (tons) 2.0 2.0 2.0
Ethanol (tons) 4.1 2.0 2.0
Kashima Plant
Acetonitrile (tons)* 63.1 56.7 0.0
Ethyl acetate (tons) 143.7 190.7 197.1
Methanol (tons) 455.2 399.4 453.4
Methyl ethyl ketone (tons) 2.9 3.5 3.5
Isopropanol (tons) 18.1 15.1 11.4
Acetone (tons) 208.4 289.7 229.8
Heptane (tons) 76.2 73.9 85.4
Ethanol (tons) 27.8 46.2 46.1
Tetrahydrofuran (tons) 97.0 38.1 41.9
Propanol (tons) 4.3 3.5 1.9
EA Pharma Co., Ltd., Fukushima Plant
Acetonitrile (tons)* 0.9 1.1 1.1
Methanol (tons) 19.4 20.6 25.5
Isopropanol (tons) 4.5 4.0 4.0
  • *
    Acetonitrile is exempted from PRTR substances from FY2023.

Resource Input and Environmental Impact (Group Companies outside Japan)

˶ China Inc., Suzhou Plant (Jiangsu, China) (FY)

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2021 2022 2023
GHG emissions
CO2 emissions (Scope1+2) (tons) 3,218 3,109 3,088
Energy consumption
Purchased electricity (MWh) 18,665 17,414 18,109
Natsural gas (1,000㎥) 1,609 1,554 1,459
Waste treatment
Amount of waste generated (tons) 109 103 100
Recycled amount (tons) 0 0 0
Amount sent to landfill (tons) - - -
Air pollutant emissions
SOx (kg) 521 0 168
NOx (kg) 334 292 823
Soot and dust (kg) 728 148 21
Environmental impact in wastewater
Water intake (1,000㎥) 159 155 152
Wastewater discharge (1,000㎥) 126 124 64
Phosphorus (kg) 17 113 62

˶ (Liaoning) Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd., Benxi Plant (Liaoning, China) (FY)

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2021 2022 2023
GHG emissions
CO2 emissions (Scope1+2) (tons) 1,759 1,842 2,046
Energy consumption
Purchased electricity (MWh) 4,005 4,629 4,841
Natsural gas (1,000㎥) 878 920 973
Light oil (kl) 1 1 32
Waste treatment
Amount of waste generated (tons) 57 273 122
Recycled amount (tons) 0 0 0
Amount sent to landfill (tons) 29 48 50
Air pollutant emissions
SOx (kg) 141 83 117
NOx (kg) 1,416 1,816 1,738
Soot and dust (kg) 187 212 219
Environmental impact in wastewater
Water intake (1,000㎥) 45 53 58
Wastewater discharge (1,000㎥) 33 45 50
BOD (kg) 303 451 388
Nitrogen (kg) 529 203 405
Phosphorus (kg) 13 21 22

PT ˶ Indonesia, Bogor Plant (West Java, Indonesia) (FY)

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2021 2022 2023
GHG emissions
CO2 emissions (Scope1+2) (tons) 7 3 3
Energy consumption
Purchased electricity (MWh) 1,021 994 1,013
Light oil (kl) 2 1 1
Liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) (tons) 0 0
Waste treatment
Amount of waste generated (tons) 5 4 6
Recycled amount (tons) 0 0 0
Amount sent to landfill (tons) 0 0 0
Environmental impact in wastewater
Water intake (1,000㎥) 5 5 4
Wastewater discharge (1,000㎥) 5 5 4
BOD (kg) 13 11 13
Nitrogen (kg) 4 18 10

Vizag Site (Andhra Pradesh, India) (FY)

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2021 2022 2023
GHG emissions
CO2 emissions (Scope1+2) (tons) 3,523 4,251 3,428
Energy consumption
Purchased electricity (MWh) 17,793 17,199 16,664
Light oil (kl) 1,333 1,612 1,298
Liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) (tons) 10 9 9
Waste treatment
Amount of waste generated (tons) 26 52 57
Recycled amount (tons) 0 0 0
Amount sent to landfill (tons) 1 1 -
Air pollutant emissions
SOx (kg) 5,454 4,453 3,803
NOx (kg) 9,572 10,691 10,395
Soot and dust (kg) 3,658 3,226 3,119
Environmental impact in wastewater
Water intake (1,000㎥) 142 120 121
Wastewater discharge (1,000㎥) 50 41 34
䰿(k) 103,743 85,929 73,305
BOD (kg) 35,342 32,994 29,221
Nitrogen (kg) 938 704 637

Europian Knowledge Centre (Hertfordshire, U.K.) (FY)

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2021 2022 2023
GHG emissions
CO2 emissions (Scope1+2) (tons) 2,015 1,922 1,878
Energy consumption
Purchased electricity (MWh) 7,652 8,025 7,956
Natsural gas (1,000㎥) 1,003 961 939
Liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) (kl) 3 3 2
Waste treatment
Amount of waste generated (tons) 247 255 246
Recycled amount (tons) 247 255 246
Amount sent to landfill (tons) 0 0 0
Environmental impact in wastewater
Water intake (1,000㎥) 22 24 26
Wastewater discharge (1,000㎥) 21 24 25

Exton Site (United States) (FY)

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2021 2022 2023
GHG emissions
CO2 emissions (Scope1+2) (tons) 2,706 3,736 5,794
Energy consumption
Purchased electricity (MWh) 9,639 9,460 8,890
Natsural gas (deca-therm) 49,707 68,753 106,896
Light oil (kl) 8 9 8
Waste treatment
Amount of waste generated (tons) 118 113 113
Recycled amount (tons) 29 32 32
Amount sent to landfill (tons) 72 68 68
Air pollutant emissions
SOx (kg) 4 3 0
NOx (kg) 208 157 146
Soot and dust (kg) 8 6 9
Environmental impact in wastewater
Water intake (1,000㎥) 27 26 26
Recycled water (1,000㎥) 1 0 0
Wastewater discharge (1,000㎥) 9 8 13
BOD (kg) 401 59 58
Nitrogen (kg) 36 26 44
Phosphorus (kg) 14 10 9

˶ Inc., Baltimore Plant (Maryland, U.S.) (FY)

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2021 2022 2023
GHG emissions
CO2 emissions (Scope1+2) (tons) 662 926 474
Energy consumption
Purchased electricity (MWh) 5,622 5,426 4,185
Natsural gas (deca-therm) 17,257 17,141 8,780
Waste treatment
Amount of waste generated (tons) 18 16 38
Recycled amount (tons) 4 4 9
Amount sent to landfill (tons) 10 9 25
Air pollutant emissions
SOx (kg) 1,224 1,083 638
NOx (kg) 969 812 496
Soot and dust (kg) - - -
Environmental impact in wastewater
Water intake (1,000㎥) 7 9 5
Wastewater discharge (1,000㎥) 7 9 5

G2D2 (Maryland, U.S.) (FY)

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2021 2022 2023
GHG emissions
CO2 emissions (Scope1+2) (tons) 16 19 19
Energy consumption
Purchased electricity (MWh) 916 1,041 983
Natsural gas (deca-therm) 306 345 346
Waste treatment
Amount of waste generated (tons) 37 34 33
Recycled amount (tons) 21 18 19
Amount sent to landfill (tons) - - -
Environmental impact in wastewater
Water intake (1,000㎥) - 4 5
Wastewater discharge (1,000㎥) - 4 5

Principal Chemical Substance Used (FY)

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2021 2022 2023
Suzhou Plant
Ethanol (tons) 37.5 47.1 36.4
Methanol (tons) 0.8 0.7 0.7
Acetonitrile (tons) 0.8 0.7 0.6
Benxi Plant
Ethanol (tons) 8.7 8.3 9.6
Sodium hydroxide (tons) 0.9 0.6 3.5
Hydrochloric acid (tons) 0.8 1.0 1.3
Bogor Plant
Methanol (l) 240.0 304.0 240.0
Acetonitrile (l) 115.0 80.0 205.0
Anhydrous ethanol (l) 2.5 2.5 4.0
Glacial acetic acid (l) 6.0 - 5.5
Vizag Site
Acetone (tons) 14.5 10.6 7.5
Methanol (tons) 539.2 333.3 37.1
Ethanol (tons) 78.1 126.4 15.9
n-heptane (tons) 5.6 1.9 2.8
Tetrahydrofuran (tons) 80.8 32.4 4.0
Dimethyl sulfoxide (tons) 15.3 6.3 0.1
N,N-dimethylformamide (tons) 35.1 28.4 0.6
N,N-dimethylformamide (tons, reused) 49.9 42.4 -
Dichloromethane (tons) 4.0 3.0 0.4
Sodium methoxide (tons) 13.8 5.1 -
Concentrated hydrochloric acid (tons) 63.2 43.4 0.2
European Knowledge Centre
Acetonitrile (tons) 0.5 0.4 0.3
Methanol (tons) 0.4 0.3 0.3
Ethanol (tons) 0.1 0.1 0.1
Exton Site
Decon Quat 100 (quaternary ammonium solution) (kl) 3.3 4.4 5.7
Decon Spore 200plus (kl) 0.8 1.4 0.3
Decon Clean (residual remover) (kl) 0.8 1.4 0.3
Anhydrous crystalline glucose (tons) 0.4 - -
Sodium hydroxide (tons) 0.6 0.7 0.5
Baltimore Plant
Dichloromethane (kg) 323.1 278.6 174.7
Petroleum ether (kg) 121.6 80.0 29.9
Anhydrous acetate (kg) 57.6 25.0 19.5
Anhydrous ether (kg) 33.2 20.7 9.8
Acetonitrile (kl) 1.7 1.7 1.2
Ethyl acetate (kl) 1.2 1.2 1.3
Heptane (kl) 1.1 1.1 1.3
Methyl-tert-butyl ether (kl) 1.0 1.0 0.4

Sustainability-Related Indicators

  • *1

    Net sales(million yen)/amount of energy used (MWh)

    Due to a change in the calculation method, data for prior periods have also been adjusted.

  • *2

    Net Sales (million yen) /amount of CO2 emissions (tons)

  • *3

    Net Sales (hundred million yen) /amount of waste generated (tons)

  • *4

    Net sales (hundred million yen) /amount of water resources input (thousand ㎥)