
Basic Principle and Policies concerning Reduction of Minimum Trading Lots for Shares

Company Name:˶ Co., Ltd.
(Securities Code No. 4523
First Section of Tokyo Stock
Exchange and Osaka Stock
Exchange, respectively)
Representative:Haruo Naito, President & CEO
Contact:Akira Fujiyoshi, Vice President,
Corporate Communications, IR
(TEL 03-3817-5120)

Basic Principle and Policies concerning Reduction of Minimum Trading Lots for Shares

Based on the recognition that market participation by a lot of investors is essential to healthy revitalization of stock market, ˶ Co., Ltd. (“˶”) has been working to enhance information disclosure through wide-range IR activities, improving websites and business reports.
˶ reduced minimum trading lots for share from 1,000 to 100 in April 2002. Consequently, the number of shareholders increased 23,164 (up 117.7%) from 19,685 (as of the end of the fourth quarter of 2002, before the reduction of minimum trading lots of share) to 42,849 (as of the end of the fourth quarter of 2007).
Volume of ˶’s stock trading at the end of the fourth quarter of 2007 also increased 36 million from the end of the fourth quarter of 2002.
˶ continues to make any possible efforts to enhance information disclosure and contribute to further activation of stock market.

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  Year-end share
Price (Yen)
Number of shareholders at year end Volume
(Year-end total)
(thousands of share)
Year-end 2002 3,150 19,685 233,193
Year-end 2003 2,185 30,477 197,800
Year-end 2004 2,820 29,713 223,859
Year-end 2005 3,640 25,475 205,124
Year-end 2006 5,130 30,019 245,085
Year-end 2007 5,650 42,849 269,461