
˶ Global Procurement Standard

In order to realize our corporate concept (hhc & Compliance), through fair and transparent transactions based on building Trust (i.e., ensuring that Suppliers offer their best available contract condition through collaboration and cooperation) with internal and external business partners, ˶ Co., Ltd. and its subsidiaries and affiliates (“˶ Network Companies” or “ENW”) procure Procurement Items that meet the required quality in a stable and timely manner and at optimal prices. This document complements the ENW Charter of Business Conduct, which sets forth the code of conduct to realize our corporate concept and also establishes the requirements for all Procurement Activities.


  1. 1.Legal and ethical compliance and respect for international codes of conduct

We conduct Procurement Activities in compliance with all applicable laws (such as anti-slavery laws, non-discrimination laws, youth employment protection laws, environmental protection laws and anti-corruption laws), regulations, codes of conduct, guidelines, policies and procedures, with the highest ethical standards and respect for the Ten Principles of the UN Global Compact which states businesses’ fundamental responsibilities in the areas of human rights, labor, environment and anti-corruption.


  1. 2.Selection of fair and impartial suppliers

We share the “˶ Global Code of Conduct for Business Partners”* with Suppliers and expects that Suppliers are conducting or developing their business activities in accordance with this Code. We confirm that Suppliers offer the best price through competitive bidding or other methods.


  1. 3.Do not accept inappropriate payments

In selecting Suppliers, we prohibit illegal business execution or fraudulent or improper business practices, such as the giving or receiving of money or goods (bribes) for the purpose of inducing or influencing prospective Suppliers.


  1. 4.Appropriate information management

We ensure data integrity in Procurement Activities and Procurement Items, if applicable, and take information security measures including cyber security measures to prevent data leakage, falsification, loss and/or damage of confidential information related to Procurement Activities and Procurement Items.


  1. 5.Promotion of sustainable procurement

We promote Procurement Activities that respect human rights and environmental conservation, ensure safe working environments, and protect the health and safety of workers. Through these activities, we establish a relationship of co-existence and co-prosperity with Suppliers, improve our corporate value and realize a sustainable society.


22 September, 2022

Shin Ujiie

Chief Planning Officer

˶ Co., Ltd.


* See the “˶ Global Code of Conduct for Business Partners” established by ˶ for further details.