
Health Management

Policy and Basic Concept

In June 2019, ˶ issued the "˶ Health Declaration". The health of our employees, who are responsible for realizing our hhc concept, is of utmost importance, and we are heavily promoting activities to maintain and improve employee health. The key strategic items set forth in the Health Declaration are revised every three years. Currently we are in the second phase, and have identified three key strategies of improving employees’ healthcare literacy, physical health, and mental health. As long as employees are healthy and pursuing their work via the most appropriate methods, we believe we can achieve our management goals, such as maximizing individual and team performance, as well as exponential enhancement of corporate value through business/organizational growth. ˶ have identified materiality and set mid-term business goals to efficiently achieve social good towards maximizing mid- to long-term corporate value through the realization of our corporate concept. We believe that promoting Health Management will significantly contribute to the achievement of two goals, increasing the proportion of highly engaged employees from the current 85% to 90% by FY2025, and enhancing human resource investment efficiency from the current 81% to 87% by FY2030. Meanwhile, as we also recognize the significance of implementing various initiatives based on understanding of employees’ health literacy level, we have been conducting an annual corporate-wide survey on health literacy since FY2023. We believe that maintaining “physical” and “mental” health through improving health literacy is crucial for living vibrantly as our true selves.

Targets, Issues and Actions

Under the ˶ Health Declaration, we are actively promoting activities to maintain and improve the health of our employees. To this end, we will promote four health-related initiatives focused on disease prevention, early diagnosis, and early treatment.

1)Expansion of Measures related to Health Checkups
In order to maintain and improve the health of our employees and their families, we have introduced simulations to predict the results of health checkups. This initiative aims to visualize future health outcomes and increase the rate of health checkups. In addition, with the aim of increasing the rate of employees undergoing a secondary health checkup, we will treat these checkups as work hours. Furthermore, in cooperation with the ˶ Health Insurance Society, we aim to increase the participation rate of employees in specific health guidance, which is key to preventing lifestyle diseases.

2)Enhancing Prevention of Dementia
We encourage our employees to conduct a self-assessment of brain performance using a tool called NouKnow®, as a means of raising their own awareness. Along with this, we will expand the scope of this program to the families of employees, raising awareness and recommending the use of this tool to foster peace of mind for both employees and their families. We also plan to implement awareness and support regarding sleep

3)Early Prediction of Carcinogenic Risk
We are considering the expansion of subsidies for cancer screening during Comprehensive Health Checkup (“Ningen Doc”) or conducting tumor marker tests, for the early detection of cancer risks. Additionally, we conduct health-related events for all generations to reduce the number of individuals who meet the criteria for metabolic syndrome and those who fall into the pre-metabolic syndrome category.

4)Enhanced Support Structure
In terms of well-being, we are expanding our benefit programs, such as introducing a dementia insurance system, to provide support and readiness for any eventuality, as well as conducting various seminars for employees.

Structures and Initiatives

˶ has developed an Integrated HR Strategy that is aligned with our corporate-wide strategies. Our Integrated HR Strategy is composed of four quadrants: business/organization, health, workstyle, and growth. Health Management recognizes health as a broad aspect of well-being. While Health Management defines the central structure shown in the figure as a core of the scheme based on the recognition that health is inseparable from the solutions to management challenges, we promote the scheme across our company through methods including regular progress reports to corporate management and the collection of a wide range of employee’s opinions. Additionally, based on the understanding that our efforts for “maintaining and improving employee health” and “work style reform” are integral and inseparable, we have promoted initiatives, including employee health management, time management, and minimization of long working hours, along with promoting the development of new work environments based on the concept of Work Life Best (WLB) in various ways.
Recently, our initiatives have extended beyond our company. In FY2023, ˶ became the first domestic pharmaceutical company in Japan to publish a Human Capital Report. Following this, we have hosted information sharing meetings on Health Management with our business partners, which involve comprehensive knowledge exchange and consultation on Health Management initiatives, including contents of policies and strategies, and systems for impact assessment.
From the perspective of collaborative health, we are working on promoting an integrated approach for Health Management conducted by ˶ as a company (employer) and data health implemented by organizations including the ˶ Health Insurance Society.

Health Management Promoting Systems

Specific Initiatives

Our Integrated HR Strategy for domestic operations, an HR strategy aligning with our corporate-wide strategies in Japan, are outlined as follows.

“As long as ˶’s employees are healthy and able to pursue the optimal work processes, our performance will be maximized through accelerated talent development with employees’ activities such as proactive exploration of in-depth knowledge, leading to an exponential growth of our business and organization.” The strategy is thus composed of four quadrants: “health,” “workstyles,” “growth,” and “business/organization,” each of which is organically aligned with each other to continuously pursue a better Health Management and corporate image.

We are collaborating with ˶ Heath Insurance Society to actively invest in health-related schemes, including enhancing medical check-up programs, providing support to quit smoking, implementing health-related events, and offering vaccination programs. We believe that these initiatives have achieved a certain level of success in limiting medical expenses. We seek to thoroughly inform employees about such measures, aiming for further awareness. In terms of individual health investment measures, as of FY2023 all programs have been implemented except for the expansion of subsidies for colonography tests.


Regular health check-up rate 99.0% 99.9% 100.0%
Glycemic metabolic disorder rate 2.10% 0.70% 0.80%
Blood pressure risk rate 0.20% 0.10% 0.30%
Rate of employees maintaining an appropriate body weight 68.7% 69.6% 68.1%
Rate of employees with satisfactory amounts of sleep 73.0% 73.1% 70.4%
Rate of employees who exercise 26.5% 27.6% 27.9% Percentage of those who exercise more than 30 minutes a day
Smoking rate 11.8% 10.9% 10.3%
Participation rate in specific health guidance 6.8% 76.4% 64.0%
Secondary check-up attendance rate 78.6% 72.9% 89.6%
Employees who used NOUKNOW (total) 1,322 986
Health investment amount 1,290 1,378 Amounts in 10,000 yen
Medical cost (per person) 167,000 175,000 196,000 Amounts in yen
Stress check participation rate 96.8% 97.3% 97.3%
High-stress individual rate 9.3% 8.3% 9.4%
Overall health risk score 86 83 84
Absenteeism (Rate of employees on leave)


1.18% 1.17%
Presenteeism* 86.0% 83.2% Company-wide survey results in SPQ (Single-Question) format. Response rates were 67% and 98%, respectively
Engagement (morale)


79 81

Mean value of engagement scores related to corporate morale detected by visualizing tools

Employee Satisfaction 2.8 2.8


Work satisfaction level found in stress check results
Health literacy survey response rate 59.8% 66.6%
Number of participants in health-related events and seminars


Participation rate of women's health seminars



Average number of annual paid leave days taken


13.3 12.8
Average monthly working hours


178 169
Number of employees on leave 40 38 37 Number of employees on long-term leave/absence for more than one consecutive month

Cases of workplace accidents

21 11 8
Turnover rate 4.0% 4.4% 4.4%

*Work performance when in good health set as 100% (at time of questionnaire response)