
Environmental Policy

The ˶ Group not only delivers pharmaceutical products to patients and the people in the daily living domain, but also provides solutions tailored to their diverse needs. In doing so, our goal is to achieve two forms of social good: relieving anxiety over health and reducing health disparities. We consider the global environment to be the foundation of our business activities for the realization of social good. Therefore, we recognize that environmental protection is extremely important to our Group.

In 2024, we updated the ˶ Network (ENW) Environmental Policy, under which we are standardizing Group-wide efforts and committing to protecting the environment. In December 2024, the Group formulated the Major Environmental Activities, with the mid-term goal of systematically addressing and promoting issues such as climate change, sustainable water use, recycling of resources, biodiversity conservation, and proper management of chemical substances. Through this, we aim to efficiently realize the social good. 

ENW Environmental Policy

We, ˶ Co., Ltd. and its group companies (“ENW”), not only deliver pharmaceutical products to patients and the people in the daily living domain, but also provide solutions tailored to their diverse needs. In doing so, we aim to achieve two forms of social good: relieving anxiety over health and reducing health disparities. We consider the global environment to be the foundation of our business activities for the realization of social good. We contribute to the health and welfare of people around the world and the realization of a sustainable society by developing business activities that emphasize harmony with the global environment.


1. Establish an environmental management system and strive to reduce the environmental impact of all aspects of our business activities (all stages throughout product research, development, procurement, production, distribution, sale, use and disposal).

2. Promote environmental protection activities in compliance with environmental laws, regulations, and agreements.

3. Contribute to the mitigation of climate change by reducing greenhouse gas emissions and promoting energy conservation.

4. Prevent environmental pollution by promoting proper management of chemical substances.

5. Contribute to the formation of a recycling-oriented society by promoting the sustainable use of resources, including water, along with waste reduction and recycling.

6. Contribute to the realization of a society in harmony with nature by developing business activities that take into consideration the conservation of biodiversity.

7. Systematically provide education on environmental protection to raise awareness of environmental issues among all employees.

8. Strive to improve our credibility within society through proactive disclosure of environmental information and communication with local communities.

9. Promote environmental protection in our supply chain in cooperation with our business partners.


December 17, 2024

Sayoko Sasaki

Vice President, Sustainability

˶ Co., Ltd.

Major Enviromental Activities

December 17, 2024
Company-Wide Environment and Safety Committee



Common Activity Policy

■ Under the responsibility of the Corporate Officer in charge of Sustainability, ˶ Group promotes the following five environmental major activities in accordance with the ENW Environmental Policy.

■We ensure the objectivity, transparency and accuracy of environmental data through self-inspection, internal audits and third-party verification, and disclose information in a timely and appropriate manner.

■We share the details of the major environmental activities with our business partners and work together to protect the environment in our supply chain.

■We respect the environmental conservation policies established by countries, regions, industry associations, etc., and contribute to the realization of those policies.

Major Environmental Activities

1. Response to climate change

Through scenario analysis such as TCFD, we identify the impacts, risks and opportunities caused by climate change, and by formulating and implementing transition plans, we promote greenhouse gas emission reductions and energy conservation, aiming to achieve the SBT 1.5°C target and RE100 by FY2030, net zero by 2050, and realize business opportunities.

2. Prevention of environmental pollution

We comply with environmental laws and regulations and work to prevent environmental pollution through the proper management of chemical substances.


3. Sustainable water use

We promote sustainable water use by reducing water usage, using it effectively, and managing wastewater quality. We aim to reduce water withdrawal by 7% by FY2030 compared to FY2023.

4. Biodiversity Conservation

Based on the ˶ Biodiversity Guidelines, we implement biodiversity conservation activities in all countries and regions where we conduct business, and contribute to the realization of a society that coexists in harmony with nature.

5. Recycling of resources

We implement appropriate waste management, reduce the amount of waste generated, improve recycling rates, and reduce the amount of waste ultimately disposed of in landfills, and engage in resource recycling. By FY2030, we aim to reduce waste generation by 7% compared to FY2023, while achieving a recycling rate (including sales at a value) of 50% or more and final landfill volume of 2% or less.


Fiscal 2024 ENW Environmental Policy

The "FY2024 ENW Environmental Policy" sets out the direction of the ˶ Group's environmental conservation activities for fiscal 2024, based on the "ENW Environmental Policy" and "Environmental Management Vision." ENW companies in Japan plan and carry out environmental conservation activities based on this policy. It was established after deliberation and approval at the first Company-wide Environment and Safety Committee meeting in fiscal 2024, chaired by the Corporate Officer in charge of General Affairs and the Environment and Safety (currently co-chaired by the Corporate Officers in charge of Sustainability and of General Affairs).


Policy contents (excerpt)


1. Reduction of greenhouse gas emissions for the formation of carbon-free society

  1) Efforts to achieve Science-Based Targets based on a 1.5℃ scenario

    a) Reduction in the use of fossil fuels through fuel conversion to renewable electricity and energy conservation

    b) Promotion of renewable energy introduction towards the achievement of RE100

    c) Reduction of CO2 emissions from company vehicles

    d) Reduction of Scope3, Category1 emissions

  2) Prevention of the leakage of chlorofluorocarbon refrigerants and proper destruction at the time of disposal

  3) Utilization of Internal Carbon Pricing system


2. Efforts towards the formation of a recycling-oriented society through proper disposal of waste.


<Global Medium-term Targets towards FY2030>

- Waste reduction;

    a) Reduction of the amount of waste generated per net sales by 7% from FY2023 levels

    b) Reduction of the amount of hazardous waste per (net sales and R&D expenses) by 7% from FY2023 levels

- Landfill disposal; Waste landfilled / Waste generated ratio; < 2%

- Recycling (including valuables) ratio; 50% or more (including thermal, chemical, and material recycles)


<Annual Targets for FY2024>

  1) Reduction in the amount of waste generated

  2) Thorough sorting of waste to promote recycling

  3) Promotion of zero emissions


3. Proper management of chemical substances, exhaust gases and wastewater


      •   1)
        Proper management of chemical substances, exhaust gases and wastewater discharged from manufacturing plants and research laboratories to prevent environmental pollution, as well as compliance with relevant laws and regulations.
      •   2)
        Prevention of environmental pollution through proper management of PRTR (Pollutant Release and Transfer Resister) substances and VOC (Volatile Organic Compounds) (for ˶ Group in Japan)

    4. Sustainable use of water resources


      1) Reduction of water intake amount per net sales by 1% from FY2023 levels

      2) Promotion of water saving and recycling use of water


    5. Promotion of resource conservation


      1) Promotion of green purchasing

      2) Reduction in the use of copier paper


    6. Efforts for biodiversity conservation


      1) Grasping impacts on the biodiversity by business operations

      2) Specification of the important species nearby each operational site and initiate conservation activities

      3) Introduction of environmentally friendly packing materials in cooperation with the related departments


    7. Planned implementation of environmental education to raise employees’ awareness.


    8. Proactive disclosure of environment-related information