Policy and Basic Concept
As a global healthcare company, the ˶ Group has established the ENW (˶ Network Companies) Environmental Policy and conducts business activities with an emphasis on global environmental protection. It is stated that we will “3. Contribute to the mitigation of climate change by reducing greenhouse gas emissions and promoting energy conservation” and as such, we are promoting initiatives to realize a carbon-free society on a global scale.
The ˶ Group has been working to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by setting the SBT 2℃ target (Science Based Targets; a target for greenhouse gas emission reductions based on scientific evidence) in fiscal 2019, and we received approval for a new SBT 1.5℃ target in November 2023. Additionally, in December 2023, we received approval from the Japan Climate Initiative (JCI) to participate in the JCI Race to Zero Circle, which commits to achieving Net-Zero by 2050. Through this activity, we aim to achieve Net-Zero emissions by 2050. We will work closely with our business partners to achieve these medium- to long-term goals.
Targets, Issues and Actions
Targets (FY2023-) | Issues | Actions | ܱٲų2023) |
Contribution to climate change mitigation
˶'s head office buildings are working to achieve the company-wide target and are also independently working to reduce electricity consumption by 1% compared to the previous year (99.8% year-on-year in FY2023).
*1 Limited to electricity purchased directly from energy companies
SBT (Science Based Targets: targets for reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions based on scientific grounds)
The ˶ Group has set medium- to long-term greenhouse gas emission reduction targets shown below (SBT1.5℃ target*2) based on scientific grounds to help mitigate climate change and is working to reduce CO2 emissions derived from its business activities.
- Reduce Scope 1 and Scope 2 GHG emissions by 55% by FY2030 (compared to FY2019)
- Reduce Scope 3, Category 1 GHG emissions by 27.5% by FY2030 (compared to FY2019)
Activities to achieve Net-Zero by 2050
In December 2023, we received approval from the Japan Climate Initiative (JCI) to participate in the JCI Race to Zero Circle, which commits to achieving Net-Zero by 2050. Through this activity, we aim to achieve Net-Zero emissions by 2050.
In addition, in September 2021, we joined RE100, an international initiative that aims to use 100% renewable energy-derived electricity (RE100). In accordance, we are promoting the introduction of renewable energy.
Structures and Systems
The ˶ Group has established an environmental management system to promote global activities and is working to strengthen activities to identify environmental risks and establish countermeasures in Japan and overseas.
Promotion Structure and Internal Audits of Environmental Management
In fiscal 2023, we implemented measures to reduce CO2 emissions in our business activities around the world, and reduced CO2 emissions across the entire group (compared to fiscal 2022). At the Kawashima Plant, we continue with the eco-operation of the air conditioning that we started in fiscal 2022 and prepare for its expansion to other buildings, while also starting operation of the cafeteria & management building, which has obtained ZEB*3 certification. Additionally, we have begun installing a solar power generation system at our Vizag Site (India), reducing CO2 emissions by approximately 1,100 tons in fiscal 2023. The introduction of this system is expected to reduce CO2 emissions by approximately 3,000 tons per year from fiscal 2024 onwards. Furthermore, at the Suzhou Plant (China), by reviewing how the boiler is used (reducing unnecessary operation and adding humidifiers), the company was able to reduce CO2 emissions by approximately 100 tons in total. The Plant officially start operating the energy-saving management system in March 2024 and work to optimize the equipment's power consumption by collecting and analyzing energy consumption data associated with the operation of the equipment. Additionally, we have continued to promote the introduction of renewable energy at our plants and research laboratories around the world, contributing to the reduction of CO2 emissions.
Our sales divisions provide healthcare professionals with information via remote interviews using digital devices. In addition, we actively promote the use of public transportation and the introduction of HV (hybrid vehicles) to company vehicles, achieving 100% of HV + BEV (battery electric vehicle) by the end of fiscal 2023.
Furthermore, in fiscal 2022, we introduced an Internal Carbon Pricing (ICP) system to promote effective investment in CO2 emission reductions by converting CO2 emission reductions into monetary value and making them visible, then incorporating them into investment decision criteria as an investment effect amount and continuing to utilize this system. The ˶ Group set its ICP at 11,000 yen (80 euros as of this setting time) per ton of CO2, referring to the European carbon tax and emissions trading price, and proposed capital investment with this as the environmental value.
*3 Abbreviation for Net Zero Energy Building. A building that aims to achieve a comfortable indoor environment while reducing the annual primary energy consumption of the building to zero.
SBT (Science Based Targets: targets for reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions based on scientific grounds)
In fiscal 2019, ˶ committed to the Science Based Target (SBT) of 2.0℃ (30% reduction in GHG emissions by fiscal 2030 compared to fiscal 2016) and met its interim targets in the three consecutive years to fiscal 2022. That means we have reduced GHG emissions by more than 60% since fiscal 2016. Therefore, we updated our target to the more stringent SBT target of 1.5℃, which was approved by the SBT initiative in November 2023, and we are working on it.
Scope 1 and 2 emissions in fiscal 2023 were 51,259 tons, 95.6% of the previous year’s level, but 102.4% of fiscal 2023 plan in our roadmap towards net zero.
Note: The actual Scope 1 and 2 emissions for FY2019 are different from the Scope 1 and 2 emissions for the base year (FY2019) of the SBT 1.5℃ target, which is 102,512 tons, due to adjustments to the boundary after FY2023, etc.
Efforts Concerning Company Vehicles
˶ Co., Ltd. has been progressively switching to HV (hybrid vehicles) for its company vehicles, and in fiscal 2023 the rate of adoption was further accelerated to 92.8% (annual average). The introduction of electric vehicles has also commenced, and together with HV, 100% of the company vehicles are now eco-friendly. In addition, CO2 emissions from company vehicles were 1,578 tons, a decrease of 9.5% compared to the previous year. As well as promoting the introduction of eco-friendly vehicles, the remote interview method using digital equipment continues to be used to provide information to healthcare professionals, and efforts are being made to reduce CO2 emissions from vehicle use.
Efforts to reduce Scope 3 emissions
For Scope 3, Category 1 emissions based on purchased goods and services. The aggregation method was changed to be more precise from fiscal 2022, when the SBT 1.5℃ was set. This led to a significant rise in emissions in fiscal 2022, but in fiscal 2023 they were 563,928 tons, 93.6% of the previous year’s level. Going forward, we will promote the reduction of Scope 3 emissions by strengthening cooperation with suppliers and establishing a method of calculation that better reflects the actual situation, for example by reflecting primary data on CO2 emissions reductions by suppliers in the aggregation.
Note: The actual Scope 3 emissions for FY2019 are different from the Scope 3 emissions for the base year (FY2019) of the SBT 1.5°C target, which is 548,122 tons, due to adjustments to the boundary after FY2023, etc.
Progress in introducing renewable energy
The ˶ Group is actively promoting the introduction of renewable energy sources. In fiscal 2023, the ˶ Group’s initiatives at each of its sites, including the completion of the installation of a large scale photovoltaic power generation facility with an on-site power generation system at the Vizag Site (India), use of PPA (Power Purchase Agreement) electricity, and the purchase of non-fossil certificates (in Japan) and renewable energy certificates (out of Japan), etc. were actively promoted.
As a result of these initiatives, the percentage of electricity used in the ˶ Group’s business activities that is derived from renewable energy sources increased to 99.8%*4.
*4 Limited to electricity purchased directly from energy companies
CDP Climate Change Report 2024
CDP is an international NGO that evaluates the “efforts of companies related to environmental risks” (climate change, water security, forests) and discloses the information at the request of institutional investors around the world. Since 2015, the ˶ Group has responded to the CDP Climate Change Report. In the CDP Climate Change Report 2024, we received a score of A (leadership level), the highest on an 8-rank scale from A, A-, etc., to D and D- for both climate change and water security.