
Notification Regarding Revision of Consolidated Financial Forecasts (IFRS)

Listed Company Name:˶ Co., Ltd.
Representative:Haruo Naito
Representative Corporate
Officer and CEO
Securities Code:4523
Stock Exchange Listings:First Section of the Tokyo
Stock Exchange
Inquiries:Sayoko Sasaki
Vice President, Corporate Affairs
Phone +81-3-3817-5120

˶ Co., Ltd. (Headquarters: Tokyo, CEO: Haruo Naito, “the Company”) announced today that based on recent trends in exchange rates, business environment and business results, etc., the Company has revised its consolidated financial forecasts for the first six-month period of the fiscal year ending March 31, 2017 previously announced on May 13, 2016, as follows.
Meanwhile, there will be no change to the full-year consolidated financial forecasts or dividend forecasts (end of the second quarter and end of fiscal year) for the fiscal year ending March 31, 2017.

1. Revised consolidated financial forecasts for the first six-month period of the fiscal year ending March 31, 2017 (April 1, 2016 to September 30, 2016)

(Unit: Millions of yen, unless otherwise noted.)

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  Revenue Operating
Profit before
income taxes
Profit for
the period
to owners of
the parent
per share
Previously announced forecast (A)
(May 13, 2016)
279,800 19,700 19,000 10,000 8,200 28.54 yen
Currently revised forecast (B) 275,500 31,000 30,500 24,400 22,500 78.82 yen
Change in amount (B - A) -4,300 11,300 11,500 14,400 14,300  
Percentage of change (%) -1.5% 57.4% 60.5% 144.0% 174.4%  
(Reference) Business results for the first six-month period of the fiscal year ended March 31, 2016 275,503 18,076 17,334 11,134 11,030 38.61 yen

(Assumptions: USD 1 = JPY 105, EUR 1 = JPY 116, GBP 1 = JPY 137, CNY 1 = JPY 15.5)

2. Reason for revision of the consolidated financial forecasts

Revenue is forecasted to be ¥275.5 billion (approximately no change year on year) due to the impact of exchange rates and other factors. Operating profit is forecasted to be ¥31.0 billion (up 71.5% year on year), which is ¥11.3 billion higher than the previous forecast, due to better performance and efficiency in operations in addition to the recording of ¥9.3 billion of one-time income (bargain purchase) in association with the acquisition of EA Pharma Co., Ltd. during the first three-month period of fiscal 2016. As a result, profit attributable to owners of the parent is forecasted to be ¥22.5 billion (up 104.0% year on year), which is ¥14.3 billion higher than the previous forecast.

Furthermore, regarding the full-year consolidated financial forecasts, although the forecasted figures announced on May 13, 2016 have been left unchanged, should a revision to the financial forecasts become necessary in the future, the Company will make an announcement as soon as possible.

  • *
    Please note that actual business results may change due to several factors since the above-mentioned forecasts were made based on information available as of July 27, 2016.
