
Notification Regarding Changes in Representative Corporate Officers

Listed Company Name: ˶ Co., Ltd. 
Representative: Haruo Naito 
Representative Corporate Officer and CEO 
Securities Code: 4523

Stock Exchange Listings: Prime Market of the Tokyo Stock Exchange

Inquiries: Sayoko Sasaki
Vice President, Corporate Communications
Phone +81-3-3817-5120


˶ Co., Ltd. resolved at its Board of Directors meeting held today, 2025, to implement the following changes in its Representative Corporate Officers.


1. Appointment of New Representative Corporate Officer (effective April 1, 2025)

1) Reason for Change

In addition to management functions such as formulating and executing company-wide strategies and business plans, finances, and business development, the Representative Corporate Officer will be responsible for integrated leadership of global business, production, quality, and technology departments, etc., ensuring a solid management foundation and achieving sustainable growth.


2) Change in Representative Corporate Officer


(Newly Appointed Representative Corporate Officer)


New Job TitleNameCurrent Job Title
Representative Corporate Officer, and Executive Vice President Terushige Iike Executive Vice President
Chief Strategy and Planning Officer


3) Career Summary of Newly Appointed Representative Corporate Officer

Name:              Terushige Iike

Date of Birth:    December 20, 1963

Apr.  1986       Joined the Company

Jul.   2009       Executive Director, Budget Management, Product Creation Headquarters, CEO Office

Jun. 2010        Executive Director, Budget Management Division, Portfolio Strategy & Budget Management Department, Product
                       Creation Headquarters

Jun. 2012        Executive Director, Corporate Strategy Department

Jun. 2012        Vice President

Jun. 2012        Corporate Strategy

Dec. 2012       President, Japan/Asia Clinical Research

Apr.  2013       Executive Director, Clinical Development

Oct. 2014        Chief Product Creation Officer, ˶ Product Creation Systems

Oct. 2014        President, ˶ R&D Management Co., Ltd.

Jun. 2015        Senior Vice President

Apr.  2016       President, Oncology Business Group

Apr.  2021       Japan and Asia Medical

Oct. 2021        President, ˶ Japan

Jun. 2023        Executive Vice President (current)

Jun. 2023        Japan business

Jun. 2024        Chief Strategy and Planning Officer (current)


Number of shares held: 15,128 shares (as of December 31, 2024)


4) Scheduled Transfer Date

April 1, 2025



2. Retirement of Representative Corporate Officer (effective June 18, 2025)

1) Change in Representative Corporate Officer


(Representative Corporate Officer Scheduled for Retirement)


NameCurrent Job Title
Yasushi Okada

Representative Corporate Officer
Industry Affairs, China Business, Internal Audit

* Yasushi Okada is a nominee for New Director


2) Scheduled Transfer Date

June 18, 2025


3. New Representative Corporate Officer Structure

New Representative Corporate Officer Structure after June 18, 2025, to be as follows:


Representative Corporate Officer and CEO Haruo Naito Current Representative Corporate Officer and CEO
Representative Corporate Officer Executive Vice President and COO Keisuke Naito Current Representative Corporate Officer
Executive Vice President and COO, Chief Growth Officer
Representative Corporate Officer and Executive Vice President Terushige Iike Current Executive Vice President
Chief Strategy and Planning Officer