
˶ Announces Acquisition of Own Shares and Cancellation of Treasury SharesAcquisition of own shares pursuant to the provision of its Articles of Incorporation in accordance with Article 459, paragraph 1 of the Companies Act and cancellation of treasury shares pursuant to the provisions of Article 178 of the Companies Act

Listed Company Name: ˶ Co., Ltd. 
Representative: Haruo Naito 
Representative Corporate Officer and CEO 
Securities Code: 4523

Stock Exchange Listings: Prime Market of the Tokyo Stock Exchange

Inquiries: Sayoko Sasaki
Vice President, Corporate Communications
Phone +81-3-3817-5120



˶ Co., Ltd. (“the Company”) announced today that a resolution was adopted at a meeting of the Board of Directors to acquire its own shares pursuant to Article 40 of its Articles of Incorporation in accordance with Article 459, paragraph 1 of the Companies Act and to cancel its treasury shares pursuant to the provisions of Article 178 of the Companies Act. The details are as follows.


1. Reason for the acquisition of own shares and the cancellation of treasury shares

From long-term ROE management perspective, the Company will acquire its own shares and cancel its treasury shares, taking into consideration ˶'s future financial situation and shareholder returns.


2. Details of the acquisition of own shares

(1) Class of shares to be acquired:      Ordinary shares of the Company

(2) Total number of shares to be acquired:         6,500,000 shares (maximum)

(Ratio to total number of issued shares (excluding treasury shares): 2.3%)

(3) Total amount of acquisition cost:    JPY30.0 billion (maximum)

(4) Period of acquisition: From May 16, 2024 to November 15, 2024

(5) Acquisition method: Open market purchase through the Tokyo Stock Exchange based on a discretionary trading contract


3. Details of the cancellation of treasury shares

(1) Class of shares to be cancelled: Ordinary shares of the Company

(2) Number of shares to be cancelled: All of shares acquired pursuant to 2. above

(3) Cancellation date: November 29, 2024 (planned)



(For Reference)

Status of treasury shares as of March 31, 2024:

- Total number of issued shares (excluding treasury shares): 287,035,548 shares

- Total number of treasury shares: 9,531,401 shares


* The Company’s shares held through a trust (230,257 shares) are not included in the number of treasury shares.