
Director, Representative Corporate Officer and CEO
Haruo Naito
Oct. 1975
Joined the Company
Apr. 1983
Senior Director, R&D Promotion Department of the Company
Jun. 1983
Director of the Company
Apr. 1985
General Manager, R&D of the Company
Jun. 1985
Managing Director of the Company
Jun. 1986
Representative Director and Senior Managing Director of the Company
Jun. 1987
Representative Director and Deputy President of the Company
Apr. 1988
Representative Director and President of the Company
Jun. 2003
Representative Director, President and Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of the Company
Jun. 2004
Director, President (Representative Corporate Officer) and CEO of the Company
Jan. 2006
Chair, The Naito Foundation (current)
Jun. 2014
Director, Representative Corporate Officer and CEO of the Company (current)